Accessory Reviews
Newair NWC062BK00 Shadow Series Wine Cooler Review
Welcome warmer weather! That’s right, it’s spring time and it’s been heating up here in good ol’ El Paso, Texas. We are already in the 90’s this week. To celebrate the change in weather we have once again partnered with our good friends at Newair to bring you a review of their newest offering, the Newair NWC062BK00 Shadow Series Wine Cooler.
After a long day, there’s nothing better than the company of good friends, good food, and a great glass of wine. The Newair Shadowᵀᴹ Series 62 Bottle Wine Fridge lets you enjoy the finer things in life—and looks great doing it. The sleek, updated design features a mirrored glass door that blends perfectly into your décor while resisting smudges and fingerprints. The double pane glass blocks harmful UV rays to protect your wine’s flavor and aroma. The durable control panel is built right into the glass, allowing you to select the perfect temperature with ease. It’s never been easier—or more stylish—to serve up your favorite vintage.
– Newair Website
You can purchase this refrigerator directly from NewAir using this link. If you use code CASAS10 you will get 10% off your total purchase!
Shipping / Unboxing
Newair uses FEDEX to ship which has always been my favorite carrier due to how well they treat packages. The NWC062BK00 Shadow Series Wine Cooler landed within 3 days of my order being placed. The box arrived intact with only a few dents on the outer cardboard. This machine is heavy at 102 pounds. Just a warning there as the dolly was a lot of help transporting this cooler to my backyard where I decided to place it.

The box itself has 2 white, plastic straps holding it together. Once you slice these open you can lift the top of the box directly off of the cooler itself as the cooler sites on the bottom of the unattached portion of the box. This is a huge convenience as other machines I have purchased in the past require you to actually life the machine out of the box to deploy. The cardboard box has a full layer of thick, white foam inside which keeps the cooler free of dents and dings. Under the foam is a layer of foam, tissue-like paper which protects the machine from scratches. There was also a handful of taped area to make sure that the door doesn’t open during shipment. After removing that it was a matter of sliding the machine off the bottom portion of the box and positioning it where I want it. This particular cooler is the first one I have received that actually has wheels at the bottom making it extremely easy to move around and position wherever you need to.

One thing I love about Newair is how easy they are to setup. In the case of the NWC062BK00 Shadow Series Wine Cooler it took no longer than 5 minutes. After positioning the cooler where I wanted it, I opened the front of the cooler to reveal the drawers. There is a strap that is attached to the topmost and bottommost shelves to keep them from moving around during shipment. Once removed everything is free. The next step was to remove the instruction manuals and keys. I then closed up the cooler, removed the electric chord from the back of the machine and plugged it in.

One Note: The cooling mechanism is located on the back, bottom of the cooler. This is important to note as you need to make sure you leave enough room behind the bottom of the machine for sufficient airflow. In most cases, this won’t be a big deal at all. Its just worth mentioning as other machines often have the cooling vents towards the bottom from of the cooler. After that it’s as simple as setting your desired cooling temperature and then loading it up!

The Newair NWC062BK00 Shadow Series Wine Cooler states that it has an internal volume of 6.11 ft3. What that translates to is enough capacity to hold 62 bottles of wine. I decided to measure that to see just how many I could fit. There are a total of 10 shelves, 8 being full-depth while the bottom two are a little shorter to make room for the cooling element. On the full shelves I was able to fit 4 bottles of wine side by side with another two bottles of wine on the same shelf positioned horizontally in front. Since the bottom two shelfs are shorter, I was only able to fit 4 bottles side by side. That makes 6 bottles of wine on each bigger shelf and 4 bottles on the bottom to for a total of 52 full-sized wine bottles. I also wanted to see how many beer cans it would hold however due to the wavy shape of the 8 full-sized shelfs, only the bottom two had the proper grating structure to support cans. The other 8 would allow them to fall through. Each of the bottom two shelfs would hold 2 rows of 4 cans and an addition two cans on the side. If you’re looking at a mixed-capacity that would equal to a Toal of 48 wine bottles on the top 8 shelfs and 20 cans on the bottom two shelves.

It’s a taller machine, and yet it still fit comfortably just about anywhere I planned to put it. The outer dimensions measure 17″ wide, 24″ deep and a whipping 49.5″ tall.

The Newair NWC062BK00 Shadow Series Wine Cooler uses a very simple panel to adjusting the cooling on the machine. A HUGE improvement over the previous versions I tested is that the control panel is located on the outside of the machine instead of within. This makes adjusting the settings a breeze without having to release cold air to do so. The control panel allows you to adjust the temperature range anywhere between 41 degrees to 64 degrees Fahrenheit. When adjusting the temperature the control panel will display the desired cooling temp. Once done, the panel will then display the actual internal temperature of the cooler.

The outside temperate was 82 at the time of my setup and it took the cooler only 41 minutes to cool itself from an internal temperature of 70 all the way down to 41 degrees. Using a calibrated thermometer I also calculated the internal temperature from the center shelf of the machine and compared it to the front display and was happy to see it was only a 1 degree difference. I also decided to monitor the machine to see how much it varied during the temperature fluctuations throughout the day. On this particular day the morning started out at 59 degrees with a high of 81. The internal temperature only fluctuated between 41 and 44 degreed throughout the day showing the cooling power of this cooler as well as its consistency.
Features / Convenience
I covered the control panel for the Newair NWC062BK00 Shadow Series Wine Cooler above, but there are a few more minor settings. First, after you set the temperature you can also lock the buttons in place by holding the up and down arrows. Holding them down again for a few seconds unlocks the control panel. This protects against any accidental adjusting. There is also a power, C/F toggle switch and a light button on the front of the panel. The lights themselves are a nice, subtle blue. There is a large upper blue LED light strip as well as multiple LEDs located throughout the cooler. The only downfall here is that there is only 1 brightness setting. It also would be nice to have a setting where the lights are completely off, but turn on once the door is opened to illuminate the inside.

It’s also a very quiet machine, emitting almost no sound at all. The updated doors on the front of the Shadow series are absolutely gorgeous as they look a deep black from some angles and then completed reflective from others. At night, the doors are mostly reflective with a slight illumination from the interior LEDs which gives off such an elegant look and feel. Surprisingly the door isn’t as prone to fingerprints as the previous versions either. One added little bonus is the lock mechanism found at the bottom of the cooler to keep unwanted guests from drinking the good stuff.

The Newair NWC062BK00 Shadow Series Wine Cooler is a huge step in both elegance, design, and efficiency. Not only does it look good, but it operates at such a high level that it easily surpasses the other two wine fridges I currently have in my house and has instantly become my favorite. And boy, does it look good. It also holds A TON of product! It’s a bigger machine, however I have one almost the same size that holds about 2/3 of the amount of wine bottles. The fact that I can’t store more cans is a bit of a fall-off for me. However, this product is listed as a wine cooler, not a beer can cooler so I won’t be taking any points off there. It’s just worth mentioning.
Don’t forget, You can purchase this refrigerator directly from NewAir using this link. If you use code CASAS10 you will get 10% off your total purchase!